The 3 Keys To Really Know Yourself

One of the critical keys to innovation and development is to understand one’s self, their environment and those who surround them. The greater one’s ability to achieve this, the more successful, efficient and effective they become. One will never be led astray from their objective.

Three Categories

This Science of Achievement (SA) is a highly ordered model of understanding applicable to anyone, for any issue.  All matters–issues, events, problems, conflicts, etc. fall into three categories: Planning (Creative), Organization, and Functional (action). Anything you can think of will fall into one of the three!  Where do your tendencies fall?

Thinking Characteristics

SA has identified behavioral classifications called, “Thinking Characteristics (TC).”  These are methods of interpretation we have adopted. For example, are you literal or figurative, open or closed, objective or subjective?  When we combine the TC’s with the three categories, we tend to discover why we are what we are. For example, people who fall into the planning category tend to be literal, while the functional tend to be figurative.  Organizers tend to be balanced.

Thinking Systems

SA has identified a number of “Thinking Systems.”  For example, creative types, proactive, whole brain, right brain, left brain and several more. When we pair up the thinking systems with the TC’s and the three categories, additional insights are disclosed. For example, when it comes to close-mindedness, creative thinkers are more closed than left brain thinkers!  The reason for this is that the left brains are more willing to deal with facts than creative types who are more emotional. Additionally, when it comes to the organizational category, creative types are not well organized. Concerning the organizational category, literal thinkers are more detail orientated than left brainers but left brainers tend to be much better at processing than literal thinkers.

Our Master Life Issue

One of the more intriguing phenomena is the Master Life Issue.  This is defined as one or several factors which we adopt during early childhood, approximately 2-3½ years old, which moderates or dictates our behavior throughout our lives. These factors we call Core Human Dynamics.  Some of the more prominent ones are: control, power, acceptance, recognition, self-interest, judgment and drive. When they take on the role of a Master Life Issue, they become the core factor in our lives around which our actions and behavior are formed! Once we have determined the Master Life Issue, life becomes a lot less burdensome. Individuals are freed up to accomplish a great deal more in life.  Then and only then can one proceed to find and develop their power center.

Power Center

The Power Center relates to both whether we are planners, organizers or functionaries and also with the type of thinkers we are. The Power Center is composed of ones point of reference and ones frame of reference. The point of reference is what people tend to focus on. For instance, are they materially inclined, a mental type, an emotional character or an intuitive. The frame of reference is the belief about that focus. The belief can be open or closed, subjective or objective, liberal or conservative, etc. Together the point and frame formulate the Power Center.

If a person is inclined toward all three: planning, organizing and functioning, the more balanced and capable their power. Concentration on the point and frames of reference produce more power than engaging needs, wants and desires ever can.  The broader a peoples point of reference and frame of reference, the greater their power.

Dr. Robert J. Flower, Ph.D. is a successful entrepreneur, and Mensa scholar who has spent over 30 years analyzing human potential and developing an innovative methodology that allows people to reach the utmost levels of success in their personal and professional endeavors. Dr. Flower holds a Doctorate of Philosophy from Walden University in General Systems Sciences. He resides in New York with his wife Angela, enjoys free time on the golf course, trapshooting and with his three children and three grandchildren.


Erin shows overscheduled, overwhelmed women how to do less so that they can achieve more. Traditional productivity books—written by men—barely touch the tangle of cultural pressures that women feel when facing down a to-do list. How to Get Sh*t Done will teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life where you want to excel, and then it will show you how to off-load, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.

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