Why I Don’t Care About Being Popular Anymore

In middle school, being popular felt like the most important thing in the world. I just wanted to fit in and be liked. I tried so hard to impress the “cool kids” and obsessed over my social media followers. But … Continue reading

Use These 3 Writing Principles to Boost Self-Confidence

How often do you try to persuade people and convey your ideas to others? For students working on essays or professionals engaging in a debate, it’s a regular activity. They know the principles of argumentative writing inside and out, and they use them. Continue reading

5 Simple Habits and Routines to Keep You Away from Depression and Stress

move more efficiently through your day while expending less mental energy and even willpower in the process. Continue reading

Mysterious Makes You Attractive and Interesting

This article delves into the captivating world of mystery, exploring its ability to amplify our appeal and the practical ways in which we can cultivate an aura of mystery around ourselves. Continue reading

5 Signs You’re Making Life Harder Than It Needs To Be

many people are actually making their lives much harder than they need to be, all without realizing it. Continue reading

The Reverse Engineer Technique to Master Productivity

Do you ever find yourself falling victim to procrastination, fighting the seduction of an enticing Netflix series, or succumb to the endless scroll of social media?  Continue reading