Going to work, for many people, feels like a drag. But it won’t feel that way if you are in the right career. The secret to loving your job is choosing a career that gives you a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment; a career whose impact on the world is great and positive. Think of jobs that save lives, preserve the environment, mentor young minds at school, or help people find their purpose in life, etc. What’s even more exciting is that on top of making the world a better place and giving workers high levels of fulfillment, most meaningful careers are good-paying too. You can call it a win, win, and win situation. Here are some rewarding, meaningful careers that you can consider:
1. Environmental engineer
The job description of an environmental engineer, in a nutshell, is to clean the mess created by the world’s necessary evils such as industry, mining, and manufacturing. These engineers help government authorities to formulate environmental regulations that limit the damage caused by the world’s top polluters. They work with miners and manufacturers to ensure that harmful chemicals from these industries don’t pollute our air, water, or soil. And because the world is already contaminated to a great extent, these professionals design technologies that remediate existing environmental hazards.
What do you need to become an environmental engineer? You will need a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering or a related post-graduate qualification upon graduating as a civil or chemical engineer.
The Median Annual Salary of environmental engineers in 2021 is $63,535.
2. Physician assistant
The job description of physician assistants is varied and diverse, but their common denominator is that they collaborate with other medical experts in diagnosing and treating patients. Some physician assistants work behind the scenes, creating treatment plans and such, while others actively administer medication to patients.
What do you need to become a physician assistant? You will get licensed after passing the PANCE exam. Before the exam, you need to have acquired a healthcare or a science-related bachelor’s degree, completed a related post-graduate program, completed ARC-PA accredited programs, and acquired at least 2-3 years of experience in the public healthcare sector.
The Median Annual Salary of physician assistants is between $110,000 and $130,554.
3. Firefighters
This is a very relatable profession, too many people because there is a firehouse in almost every neighborhood. If you have never been helped by a firefighter, chances are that you have seen them pull someone out of a fire or from a car wreck. Firefighters are in most cases the first responders in emergency rescue and public safety missions in our communities.
What do you need to become a firefighter? Well, the requirements vary from one fire department to another, but all firefighters are trained in fire academies and colleges. Consult your local fire department for more details on their hiring qualifications and training requirements.
The Median Annual Salary for firefighters in the US in 2021 is $46,344.
4. School administrator
There are tons of different job titles associated with school administration. The common ones include Principals, Assistant or Vice Principals, and Deans of Studies. These professionals work in elementary, high school, and a few in tertiary education institutions (colleges or universities). Their job descriptions vary depending on rank and the institutions they work for, but their main job is to ensure that learners get a quality education that prepares them for big careers in the future.
What do you need to become a school administrator? First, you need to be compassionate, innovative, caring, and possess great interpersonal and communication skills. You also need to be organized and detail-oriented. You need these traits if you are to interact productively with students, teachers, and parents. Secondly, in terms of academic qualifications, you need at least an M.Ed. or EdM degree, and years of prior experience as a classroom teacher.
The Median Annual Salary for school administrators is $44,285.
5. Non-profit executive director
Non-profits primarily provide public benefits without focusing on making money. Think of the Make-a-Wish Foundation, for example. They run community charities on a global, national, or even local scale. Their executive directors are tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the organizations comply with the regulations set to keep non-profits in check. The biggest responsibility, however, has to be running an organization without a solid source of revenue- depending only on grants and donations.
What do you need to become a non-profit executive? You need to show astute leadership abilities. You need to be decisive, firm, and diligent. You need to know about tools, devices, and coworking spaces. That’s on top of having a Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership or related qualification, and several years in the nonprofit world.
The median annual pay for non-profit executives is over $55,000.
The list of jobs that help humanity is endless. Some require advanced education, some require a high school diploma, and some only require an altruistic soul. Continue being a nice person, loving humanity, and getting all the additional training you can get, and soon enough, an opportunity to make money out of your good heart will fall in your lap.
Elisa is an expert in education coaching who focuses on helping students entering undergraduate programs. She is an enthusiastic contributor eager to promote personal growth through sharing their expertise with others. Elisa has extensive expertise in advising students on their route to making big academic and life decisions and those who are preparing for undergraduate studies, by integrating numerous methodologies and tips that bring the best results.
Erin shows overscheduled, overwhelmed women how to do less so that they can achieve more. Traditional productivity books—written by men—barely touch the tangle of cultural pressures that women feel when facing down a to-do list. How to Get Sh*t Done will teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life where you want to excel, and then it will show you how to off-load, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.
Really rewarding and unusual careers. I believe that it is necessary to acquaint schoolchildren who are going to enter the university with such a list so as not to get the next generation of lawyers/economists.
Helpful one! Thank You so much.
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