Monthly Archives: January 2021

How to Become a Pro in Managing Diabetes during Covid-19?

As a health-conscious person, I always worried about keeping my dad’s diabetes score under control, especially during this Covid-19 pandemic. It had become very challenging for me to keep my dad safe. You might be thinking, why I was so … Continue reading

Leading Broadway’s Hamilton: 3 Lessons in Managing Perfectionism

Two months into the run of the Broadway musical Hamilton in San Francisco, with the show at the peak of its success across America, I suffered a heart attack. I was the show’s music director—responsible for conducting and maintaining the production in … Continue reading

How Emotional Baggage Clogs Your Cognitive Function

What do you think when you hear the word ‘baggage’? Chances are that, if you aren’t waiting in the security check line at the airport, the term causes a feeling of discomfort. This could be for any number of reasons. … Continue reading

5 Powerful Qualities Of Those Who Are Always Mentally Strong

Being mentally strong is often a choice and something we need to instill in ourselves. It’s not some magical quality that a few of us are lucky to have. Everyone reaches a point in their lives where their mental strength … Continue reading

Stomach Cancer Stage 4 Treatment

Stomach cancer stage 4 is a complex diagnosis. It is the stage of cancer that requires specific treatment options. Is surgery an option for patients with stomach cancer stage 4? Stage 4 stomach cancer is characterized by rapid tumor growth, … Continue reading

Why Is it Important to Know Your Blood Type?

Every person has a specific blood type. To determine your type, the makeup of your red blood cells is analyzed to search for specific proteins, called antigens, in your bloodstream. Not all blood types are compatible, however. This information is … Continue reading