Monthly Archives: October 2008

How Meditation Improves Your Health (Part One)

Fact 1: Meditation assists healing. If you have any kind of health complaint at all then meditation can help you to get better. Fact 2: Meditation can help you to stay healthy. If you are in good shape and want … Continue reading

Why It’s Not Selfish to Put Yourself First

One piece of advice that I’ve come across in the writings of several life coaches is that we should act in our own best interests. My initial reaction to this is to feel uncomfortable – like most people, I worry that I’m being selfish if I put myself first. Continue reading

How to Dramatically Improve Your Daily Communications

Every day we communicate–whether orally or written. Not a day goes by that we’re not communicating in some way with someone. If you work outside your home, you communicate with the people you work with. Orally, you talk with your … Continue reading

The Little Book of Productivity

You may have noticed a recent backlash against productivity in some parts of the personal development community. If you have found yourself second guessing the value of this subject, it may be worth going back to a very simple question: … Continue reading

saving money

How to Survive in Troubled Times

The events of the past few months and especially this week are disturbing and troubling at best. Food and gas prices are rising faster than they have in a long, long, time. The value of our retirement accounts are on … Continue reading

Writing Skills

12 and ½ Writing Rules

This is one of my favorite posters. It hangs where I can see it from my desk: 12 and ½ Writing Rules from Everything on there is good advice for any writer, especially those working on pieces of fiction. … Continue reading