Monthly Archives: August 2011

8 Steps to True Happiness

The manifestation guru’s want you to believe that reaching your goals and manifesting your dreams will bring you happiness.

The problem with vision boards is that they are all about ‘me,’ my needs, my wants, and my desires. They don’t stand for community, service to others, or making a difference, things I believe that are required for personal happiness. Continue reading

8 Inspiration Lessons from an 8 Month Old Baby

A baby can be an inspiring teacher as well. How?

In fact, she can be your biggest motivator if you pay close attention to her activities and this will be the discussion and essence of this article.

Let me share with you the interesting observations done by me. These observations can be our motivational lessons. Continue reading

How To Develop What’s Going On ‘In Your ‘ead’

For it is what’s happening within our head that will determine the type of career you command, the state of your business, the condition of your love life, the amount of money you make, the house you live in, the car you drive, and even the quality of your friends. Continue reading

Your Time Is Priceless: Do You Treat it That Way?

Time is priceless. It’s also constant: you don’t have to do anything to make an hour go by. You’ll have experienced time flying past (at a great party) or crawling (at 4pm on Friday) – but you know that, regardless of how it feels, the minutes tick by at the same objective speed. Continue reading

How Healthy Are You? My Vegan Diet Personal Redemption

Ideas and solutions to start closing the gap? Check. Energy to get their plan (and butt) into action? Not so much. And this is a valuable lesson. Inspiration and desire are only part of what is needed to close the gap, which is why desire + diet is the formula for success. Continue reading

Compassionate Self Observation: A Key to Overcoming Destructive Habits

I’ve discovered a powerful remedy for self-destructive habits that is so simple I wondered how I missed it over the years. My self-destructive habit involved eating junk food late at night, yet my discovery will work for any chronic, self-defeating behavior. Continue reading