Monthly Archives: October 2008


How Meditation Improves Your Health (Part Three)

Photo by j / f / photos If you have been following this series on the health benefits of meditation, then hopefully you have given meditation a go by now, and as you meditate and relax, you may well have … Continue reading

Internet Disinhibition

The Dangers and Delights of Internet Disinhibition

Have you ever entered a chatroom and found yourself sharing things (that you could never discuss face to face) with a bunch of strangers? Have you ever poured your soul out on your blog, writing about your deepest fears, most powerful dreams, or secret shames? Have you ever stayed up long into the night, chatting to people online – without even knowing their real names, ages, genders or anything about them? Continue reading


10 Traits Of A Successful Human Being

There’s a lot of talk about what you should do to become successful, but I would argue that it’s more about who you are that makes the biggest impact. It’s the decisions we make on a daily basis, the habits we naturally form in our lives that determine the level of success we can achieve. Who we are determines how we react to life, even when we’re not consciously in the act of ‘being successful’. Continue reading

Internal Motivation

How to Find and Develop Your Own Internal Motivation

Image courtesy of Sir Mervs The only reason people ever really do anything is due to motivation.  It may be our work, our hobbies, our relationships or even our chores, but one way or another, there is motivation that drives … Continue reading

learning habits

Why Great People Never Stop Learning

Image courtesy of Hapal As infants, we’re presented with a strange new world to discover. And with nothing else to do, we dive in headfirst, devoting all our time to learning how to use our five senses. At first we … Continue reading

Money Or Life

Your Money Or Your Life?

Image courtesy of Mugley. Right now, the news coverage is overloaded with stories about the economy.  This is completely understandable, because recently there have been some very interesting developments in the global economy.  What’s unfortunate about the media coverage is … Continue reading