Monthly Archives: June 2019

Top 5 Effective Ways to Deal with the Narcissistic Partner

Having a narcissist as a partner can be extremely challenging. Narcissists think that the world revolves around them, and they often get close to someone only for their own wish-fulfillment. They are completely self-centered, and their needs always come first. … Continue reading

The 8 Limbs Of Yoga

Yoga is tremendously popular these days as a way to find inner peace, find calm and reduce anxiety. Perhaps the most effective type of yoga is Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga. This yoga form is also considered the most important part of … Continue reading

How Meditation Can Help With Anxiety

Putting it rather simply, meditation is the intentional process of forming a higher level of awareness through stopping thought and sharpening focus. Meditation is not easy, but when done properly, has amazing healing properties when it comes to stress and … Continue reading

The World’s Most Spiritually Powerful Places

Around the globe, there are some special places, both on and off the tourist trail, that have strong spiritual connections. Some are known for being historical sacred centers for religious ceremonies or worship and others from being blessed with natural … Continue reading

Productivity Hacks: 5 Simple Tips To Focus A Wandering Mind

My blog is my baby. I’m constantly thinking about it, nurturing it and growing it. However, my blog is not my entire life. I work a full time job and I’m a devoted wife, sister, daughter and friend. Because of … Continue reading