Monthly Archives: August 2018

how to be happy and worry less

Do you worry too much? These 5 Habits and Mindset Shifts Will Revitalize Your Brain

Worry… God! I hate this word. Worrying is crippling, boring and lifeless. I grew up in a family of multiple chronic worriers, and I know how bad things can go with it. You let negative thoughts have the best of … Continue reading

6 Natural Remedies to Help Overcome Depression

When you hear the word ‘depression’ the first thing that may come to your mind is sadness. In reality, depression is different to and much more than sadness. Sadness is normal and is a part of human behavior whereas depression is … Continue reading

How To Absolutely KILL Your Smartphone Addiction

“One last video before I go to bed”. “Let me just scroll through Facebook real quick.” “I’m just going to take a five minute Instagram break.” If you’ve ever had a “five minute Instagram break” turn into a two-hour procrastination … Continue reading