Monthly Archives: October 2014

3 Simple Ways to Decrease Stress and Strengthen Relationships

If you are a frequent visitor to Pick The Brain, you may have noticed the countless articles about stress and anxiety. Continue reading

stop being average

12 Ways You Can Step It Up In Life To Rise Above Being Average

But here’s the thing: Normal and average are two entirely different things. Yet, they constantly overlap one and another. Continue reading

self improvement tips

5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Body Is Craving More Shut-Eye

Yawning or dozing off involuntarily throughout the day are sure signs of sleep deprivation, but the symptoms aren’t always this obvious. Here are five other signs that your body is craving more shut-eye. Continue reading

self improvement tips

29 Of The Most Powerful Quotes Of All Time

These 29 carefully selected words of wisdom truly are some of the most powerful and wisest quotes ever written. Continue reading

improve self esteem

3 Ways to Kick Your Comfort Zone in the Teeth and Create Lasting Change!

Comfort zones are really just self-imposed limits that we put on ourselves.

Remember the three steps to break free are: Continue reading

how to find happiness

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Everyday

You can begin to sift through the drama of the mind, and live the life you desire, not the life your mind desires. Here are six important questions to ask yourself without judgment everyday: Continue reading