Monthly Archives: May 2010


P T Barnum on Success

P T Barnum was a Victorian businessman who is remembered for his traveling circus – the ‘greatest show on earth’ – and the weird and wonderful ‘exhibits’ it contained. For some, Barnum was an exploiter and an opportunist, a man who took advantage of the weak and the vulnerable and who preyed on the credulity of his audience – the phrase ‘There’s a sucker born every minute’ was coined by Barnum. For others, he is the epitome of success and philanthropy. Continue reading

ask for help

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Ask For Advice

Often when we go looking for advice we are really just looking for people to pat us on the back and say, “yes, what you are doing is correct, keep doing it.” Or we have an option that we want to be right (even though deep down we know it isn’t) so we go looking for advice that will tell us it is. Continue reading


How to Find the Energy for More Than Just Your Day Job

The problem is, you’ve got a day job. It takes up most of your time and energy each day.

So how can you find the energy to get anything else done? Continue reading


6 Tips for People Who Don’t Have Time to Meditate

Well, what if I told you that the benefits of meditation include a reduction in stress, sharpened concentration, improved circulation – and as you get further into your practice you’ll experience a quieter mind, a more open and receptive heart, a sense of inner freedom – and perhaps even a streak of creativity that’ll help you make films like David Lynch. Continue reading

financial advice

Financial Help for Women: 5 Strategies You Must do in the Other 8 Hours

In a divorce, a woman’s life is turned upside down — nearly everything about her existence changes, but for the man, the most he has to change is his phone number and address. Most women who left the workforce to raise a family are at a significant disadvantage and find it difficult as they try to re-enter the workforce they left years earlier. I don’t have marriage advice, but if you do a few simple things in the other 8 hours, you can survive a divorce and get back on your feet as quickly as possible. Continue reading


Do You Need to Set Goals?

If you’ve been reading personal development blogs for any length of time, you’ll have come across plenty of posts about goals. We’re all expected to have them. We’re told that having goals means we’ll be happy high-achievers, storming through life as we check off yet another item on our to-do list. Continue reading