Monthly Archives: February 2009

Giving Criticism

The Art of Giving Criticism

Image courtesy of mypixbox I previously wrote about how to take criticism, a very important life skill. In the comments, someone asked for a post about how to criticize. Good idea! It only makes sense to look at the flip … Continue reading


Do It First Thing, Every Day: How to Tackle Any Project

Image courtesy of NaPix You’ve got a lot of different things on the go. Some of them are New Years’ resolutions that you’re determined to stick with, this time. Some are projects that have dragged on for years – an … Continue reading

Surviving Recession

How To Survive a Recession

The secret to surviving a recession is opportunity recognition.  The first step in opportunity recognition is to know and believe that there will always be opportunity for those who seek and pursue it.  Regardless of how bad the economy may … Continue reading

self improvement

The Art of Taking Criticism

There are lots of people on this planet, and they all have their opinions. That means that all of us should expect to receive lots of criticism in our lifetime. Continue reading

Language Learning

7 Concepts of Natural Language Learning

Language learning is essentially fun, or should be, if it is done naturally, in line with how the brain learns. We learned our first language quite well, without explicit instruction. Unfortunately, the teaching of second languages has been turned into … Continue reading