How To Reset and Make a General Cleaning of Your Life

Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of you future. You will never be the same.” – Robin S. Sharma

It’s impossible to pour water in a full glass.

 This is one of any changes’ fundamental principles. It is impossible to change your life and rewrite your history if you act with your unpacked luggage experience only. This fact I’ve understood after reading The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma.

 Your life puzzle will be always gathered in one and the same picture if you use the same elements, no matter how you mix them at the start.

 You need to start your consciousness and new experience creation from a total reset.

Don’t start withsearch for purposes, do not start with a declaration of how you see yourself in five years, do not start with your mission; this entire process will be confused with your past performance and experience which take a lot of energy, too.

 You should start with throwing all the rubbish out of your life: physical, mental, and energy ones. It is December now, the last month of a year and high time to summarize everything, finish and start from scratch; so, a general cleaning of my life has started.

 Uncontrolled hoarding of the past leads to two things:

  1. The endless reproduction of your past; your life becomes something like a deja vu.

  2. The slowdown of your life speed, when you look at those people who have time to do much more things than you do – and you do not understand how they can do that. Success is possible only when your speed is fast.

 It makes sense to clean your life in all three dimensions: past, present and – do not be surprised – future. Yes, you have so many beliefs about your future that it has to be cleaned, too.

 I’ve decided to start with your present. It is the most objective one, it is here and now. A general cleaning of your present moment will give you a noticeable strength and fresh energy needed for new achievements.


The main thing is to remove all unsettled questions and cases from your list.

 I do not suggest you polish your present like Cinderella (though it might be useful sometimes); first of all, you need to clean up and close your unsettled questions even if it might end with their total reset. You should remove such tasks from your “waiting” list or put them “into progress” if they are stuck there for more than a few weeks. It will give you a huge influx of new energy.

 Some things you can do the next weekend if you really intend to gather a new picture of your experience. What I have done:

1. Thr0w out the rubbish

Get rid of all your trash, and start with your house: throw out, distribute, carry away to shelters. Do not leave anything in your list of “waiting”.

What is a rubbish actually?

This is everything you do not use anymore. Let’s do the following: everything you haven’t been using for more than a year should be removed, distributed, sold, or thrown:

  • the clothes you do not wear;

  • most of the gifts, except those ones that really create comfort of your interior (in fact, this is a smaller part of what you have);

  • unsuitable or old utensil or equipment.

The more you find, the better. You should understand that every thing is a part of your energy; so, take only what you really need and what will make you happy. Just ask yourself a question: “Do I want to save this energy or let a new one take its place?

It’s impossible to pour water in a full glass.

You empty your glass yourself. The more you pour out, the more you’ll have. And if you are greedy, do not be surprised if big changes will simply have no place to enter. A general cleaning of your house is like a game “How much is my readiness to let a new experience in my life?”

The more things you’ll throw out, the readier you are.

By the way, it applies to all your spaces, including your office, cottage, car, and whatever you have. Surprise your colleagues – remove garbage from your desk, start a real process of “uncovering”.

2. Throw out old files

Throwing out your rubbish is just a beginning. It’s high time to throw out your files! How much time do you spend at your computer or online? This is your space, too; yes, it is virtual, but it is a part of your energy, too.

We have a habit to store everything at our computers. Why should we throw it out indeed? There is enough place at the hard disk for everything.

The principle is the same here: cleaning is releasing of energy. Leave only those files you like and find important. Why to keep a movie you didn’t like? Why to keep any old and useless files? They all are pieces of you; so, should you bear this weight (knowing that the more you have, the slower your speed is) or give a way to anything new?

Such a cleaning would be great not for your personal computer only; do not forget about your office computer and all your virtual accounts: social networks, blogs, websites.

3. Put things right, give things their places, systematized files

I’ve never adhered to strict cleanliness, having always cultivated a so-called creative mess, hiding behind my love of arts.

But I see it a little bit differently now: a harmonious order (not a fanatic but systematized one, when all things have their place) is the key to good and effective functioning, especially when it’s high time to accelerate. You will not be able to change the speed of your life if there is chaos on your desktop and in your apartment.

4. Filter incoming information

Your incoming information needs cleaning and order, too. Generally, this is food for your mind; so, the work of your mind depends on this information’s quality.

Have you heard of information intoxication? This is a common virus many people are infected with: they read everything on the Web, constantly reposting quotes of famous people and wasting their ability to hear the voice of their own souls.

That’s why I recommend to do the following:

  • Clean your friends list: remove those people who do not inspire you or make you feel bad after reading news from them.

  • Clean your timelines: remove or hide those people or communities whose news annoy you or make you feel negatively.

  • Define the list of blogs and websites you intend to read. My principle to do this is a presence of some positive response in my soul: when you read something and feel some kind of value – it is worth reading then.

Choose only those resources that fill and delight your personality; their list should be cleaned and updated regularly, too.

5. Finish all unfinished businesses or reset them all

It is important to finish all works and tasks from your “waiting” lists: either move them to “in progress” status and DO them or reset them all. You should have a feeling that all tasks are finished, all current processes are scheduled, and no “dead” problems are left. This is your first speed to come to the question “What do I want from this life?” and move towards your conscious changes.

Making a long story short, the process of your today’s life general cleaning consists of two key elements: getting rid of the rubbish at all levels and organizing your work and tasks, including the incoming flow of information.

Set your channels to receive a high-quality and useful information only, and you will see how much the world will change around you.

Reinventing yourself is possible only if you understand the truth of life: your old experience is not your best adviser here.

And let the cleaning begin! Are you ready for that? 


About the author:

Lesley J. Vos is a novice writer and passionate blogger who is honored to be a guest contributor to many authoritative websites, including Finer Minds, Live Write Thrive, Bid4Papers Blog and others. Lesley writes her first e-book now, and she is always open to new friends and contacts. You are welcome to find her on Google+ and read some works of her at this blog


Erin shows overscheduled, overwhelmed women how to do less so that they can achieve more. Traditional productivity books—written by men—barely touch the tangle of cultural pressures that women feel when facing down a to-do list. How to Get Sh*t Done will teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life where you want to excel, and then it will show you how to off-load, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.

6 Responses to How To Reset and Make a General Cleaning of Your Life

  1. Clair Wayman says:

    Yep, I’ll organizing my work and tasks.

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