Use These 3 Writing Principles to Boost Self-Confidence

How often do you try to persuade people and convey your ideas to others? For students working on essays or professionals engaging in a debate, it’s a regular activity. They know the principles of argumentative writing inside and out, and they use them. Continue reading

3 Tips to Start the Process of Writing a Book

There’s nothing like having a book feel so alive inside your soul and then meet reality on the page: a jumbled mess that wouldn’t entice a single reader. Continue reading

Why Journaling as a Practice is the Best Gift You Can Give Yourself

Fill your paper, with the breathings of your heart’- William Wordsworth. I had made a new pal over the last few years. She’s resilient against stress, cheap, accommodating, trusting, and takes my nasties all the time. She’s ready to be my … Continue reading

What Going To The Park Daily Did For My Creativity

As writers, we often spend hours hunched on our desks, awaiting inspiration. I was sitting there too, staring eye-to-eye at a blank paper. It had been almost three weeks since I had written a single verse of poetry.  The words … Continue reading

creative journaling

How to Use Writing Prompts for Creative Journaling

When writing in a journal every single day, it can be difficult to come up with new topics and ideas. Listing your goals and writing about your day are no doubt great for your mental health, but you’ll probably want … Continue reading

creative writing

How to Get Back Into the Creative Writing Game

As a child, I never stopped writing — and I’m sure many of you were the same. Sitting at our desks at school or sprawled across the carpet at home, No. 2 pencils making a mad dash across the dotted … Continue reading