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About Ketan

Ketan Pande the founder of GoodVitae. He is an avid reader of self-improvement books and a wildlife enthusiast. He is a published author on various platforms like addicted2success, Thrive Global, PickTheBrain, Hubspot, Fearless Motivation etc.

Recent Articles

Mother nature helped me solve life problems

How Mother Nature Helped Me Solve These Life Problems

Mother nature is someone whom you can’t define in shape or size, from small invisible organisms to a giant blue whale, all constribute to her grandiosity. I always wanted to improve the lives of wild animals. But, who knew that … Continue reading

4 Business Lessons from Mother Nature to Accelerate Your Growth

Albert Einstein once said, “Just look deep into mother nature, and then you will understand things better.” I couldn’t agree more with this quote, as I have myself learned many things while spending time in the lap of mother nature. … Continue reading