Author Archives: Armela

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About Armela

Armela is a blogger and freelance writer with experience writing articles on self-improvement, tech, and business. Visit her website or follow her on Twitter @ArmelaE to connect.

Recent Articles

7 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Have Anxiety

Are you someone who’s easily overwhelmed about the most trivial things? Do you feel anxious so much that you lay awake most nights with thoughts that make you stressed? One of the many reasons why anxiety is hard to cure is because most people suffering from it engage in things that make it worse. Continue reading

5 Important Life Goals You Need To Accomplish Before 30

It’s time to set some goals. You have to plan your future. This is no time for idling, because what you do in your 20’s can affect a huge part of your future. Not sure where to start or what to do? Here’s a guide to help you live life fully before you turn 30. Continue reading

5 Ways To Deal With Life’s Most Stressful Moments

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller

We think that those who have gone through an easy uneventful life are fortunate enough to have such a blissful experience. But are they? Continue reading

How To Make the Most Out Of Your Free Time

How you spend your free time can be challenging though. There is so much you want to do, things you want to try, endeavors you want to continue but you don’t know how to start Continue reading

7 Tips to Find Time To Exercise When You’re Busy

Do you seek a more active lifestyle, but you’re hard-pressed for time because of work and family? How many times have you sat on your office chair simply idling and surfing the web, when you’ve wished you could be outside working out? Continue reading

3 Secrets to Writing Articles from the Heart

The greatest pieces are those writings that touch, inspire and provoke readers. They impart emotions so strong, you find yourself tearing up, fuming or simply starving for more. Continue reading