The 4 Positive Price Points of Leadership

‘The price of leadership is responsibility…to stay positive whether you feel like it or not.’ Sir Winston Churchill

Some amongst us are born leaders, but it is my observation that most leaders are made. Every one of us, at some time or other, are going to find ourselves thrust into a position of leadership, and one of the indispensable qualities required by us as leaders is going to be to maintain a positive attitude.

I recall coaching a boy’s sporting team at one time, and how, that no matter whether the team won or loss, it was my major role not just to ensure that their skills as players were developed, but rather that I engendered great morale in the team – whether we were the defeated or we were the victors.

As leaders of a family, a business, or an organisation, we are responsible for setting the tone and for creating the environment that will encourage others to grow and mature.

There is only one true way that we can do this, and that is to remain in a constant positive state.

So here are four positive things that you can do as a leader to maintain that state.

1. Think Positive Thoughts

How do you stop yourself from immediately thinking the worst? Plunge your mind into the world of positivity. Do this on a daily basis by reading and listening to positive material. Avoid negative material as much as possible. Limit your exposure to world ‘bad’ news. Refuse to tune into ‘negative’ conversations. Repel the bad and accept the good through your finetuned ‘positive receptors’ – namely your eyes and ears.

2. Speak Positive Words

Watch your tongue closely. In fact, listen to your speech intently.  Work hard at reducing any negativity from passing your lips. Endeavour to speak uplifting positive words. Talk hope. Utter faith. Discuss possibilities and solutions rather than amplifying the problem. Let positive speech be your trademark.

3. Provide Positive Encouragement

Find people doing good things and encourage them in it. Lift people with your mouth. Refrain from shooting people down with your words. Get the best out of others by commendation and recognition. Push your positive words forward in the direction of others. And if you have to correct, balance your correction with a far greater percentage of positive direction.

4. Create Positive Solutions

We all face problems. We’re all confronted with roadblocks. But rather than sitting there crying over spilt milk, begin to speak out positive options and solutions. Use words that search for a way over, under, through, or around whatever stands between you, your team and your success. Brainstorm with a supportive team, and always come up with a positive plan for forward movement.

This is the price of leadership, and whether at first you may or may not feel positive – by applying the four price points of positivity, it won’t be long before the feelings of positivity will follow, overtake you and overflow onto those around you.

Motivational Memo: To pay the price of leadership is to become a leader who will have a positive impact upon those whom he leads.

Peter G. James Sinclair is in the ‘heart to heart’ resuscitation business and inspires, motivates and equips others to be all that they’ve been created to become. Receive your free copy of his latest eBook Discovering The You In Unique at – and add him on Twitter @PeterGJSinclair – today!


Erin shows overscheduled, overwhelmed women how to do less so that they can achieve more. Traditional productivity books—written by men—barely touch the tangle of cultural pressures that women feel when facing down a to-do list. How to Get Sh*t Done will teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life where you want to excel, and then it will show you how to off-load, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.

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