Author Archives: Dean Bokhari

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About Dean Bokhari

Dean Bokhari is best-selling author and host of Meaningful*FM (,one of the web's most popular personal development podcasts.

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Top 10 Career Books to Help You Do Purpose-Driven, Passion-fueled Work

Whether you’re new to the job market, or happen to be looking for a new path professionally, the following 10 career books will help you make that happen. These are the books you need to read in order to find and do work you love or take your career to the next level. Continue reading

10 Books on Increasing Your Creativity

Increasing your creativity—or developing any sense of creativity in the first place—seems to be hardest when you need it most. Personally, I’d always thought “creativity” was sort of elusive. I thought creative people, like Pablo Picasso, for instance, were blessed with … Continue reading

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16 Money Management Books To Achieve Financial Freedom

Money. It’s a touchy subject for some people, and it’s just a game for others. I’ve been on both ends of that spectrum: totally broke and busted on one end — and total financial freedom on the other. The former … Continue reading

The 4 Thieves of Productivity (Avoid Them At All Cost)

One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it. Give up the following four thieves of productivity in order to get more of what you want, and less of what you don’t. Let’s get into it… Continue reading

11 Tips to Have a Long-Lasting, Happy Relationship

Everyone wants to be able to enjoy a lasting, happy relationship, but not everyone knows quite how. Well guess what? You’re about to learn. Continue reading

The Power of Habit: 3 Steps to Starting (or Stopping) Habits of Any Kind

Bottom line? Habits emerge because our brains are always on the lookout for efficient ways to save effort. Continue reading