Do you like what you do?
Can you say right now that you’re still passionate about your work?
Those can be tough questions to ask yourself. Although it’s natural that there are days when you don’t want to get out of bed, for most people, it’s a real struggle. Not only is their passion for work gone, the meaning behind what they do is now non-existent as well. This is a difficult place to be because 1) you start to compromise on your performance, and 2) you could be spreading negativity at work.
I’ll admit: it’s also challenging for me to find happiness in my work at times – but I’ve learned to combat it. Now, I’m sharing a few of what I did to keep my office life a good, fulfilling one (even if it’s not always bright as sunshine).
1. Don’t Break Routine
Similar when you’re going through difficult instances (like a breakup or huge loss), it’s all too easy to break routine and do whatever you can to hide the pain. Some folks like to stay in bed all day, others skip their jobs and go clubbing all night. That’s NOT going to make your problem go away. Continue going to work anyway. Finish tasks, beat deadlines, chat with your colleagues.
Life has a way of showing us the answer when we least expect it. Who knows – you might find what you’re looking for when you’re fixing the copy machine.
2. Don’t Be Quick To Quit
Is your boss nagging you again on that assignment? Are you at your boiling point? Pause, breathe in, and slowly exhale. NEVER make rash decisions in the heat of the moment! You’ll end up doing things you’ll regret later on. Instead, stop and think about it. Ask yourself: is responding to this worth my while? Will it improve my situation? Acknowledge that you’re feeling bad right now – but that doesn’t mean you have to act upon it.
3. Get Up and Go
Office burnout is one of the top reasons people lose their love for their jobs. Often, all you could do is your best – and that should be enough. If you’re already feeling the pinch, go out and take a stroll. Take a walk at a nearby park, run an errand, or grab a cup of coffee. I do this all the time, particularly when there’s a big deadline coming up.
Doing something physical could really clear your mind and even help give you new ideas. You don’t need to eat during your lunch break (especially if you’re not hungry). Release your endorphins with a brisk stroll and be amazed at how much better you feel.
4. Find Something New
Gastroenterologist Frank D’Agostino has been working at Easton Hospital since 1959. If there’s one thing that keeps him passionate about his career for more than 57 years, he says it’s finding new things all the time. Even if you’re not in the medical industry, your job still carries a few surprises for you. For me, it’s the joy of searching for new topics to write about. During my stressful career as a CSR, it was the different folks I talked to on the phone.
I understand that it’s not easy to search for happiness in a job you already lost interest in: but as long as you keep both eyes open, you’ll see something new each day.
5. Join in Office Conversations
Don’t isolate yourself just because you have plans of jumping ship. Your colleagues have also played an important role in shaping who you are today. Even if you’re not in close terms with all of them, there were a few who stuck by your side. I bet you could name at least one person who listened to your rants. If you’re feeling de-motivated, your coworkers are one of the best people to hang out with. Listen to their laughter, join in, and tell your own stories. Why not invite them after work for cake and coffee?
Remember: you’re not alone. Let your office pals remind you why you stayed in the first place.
6. Reflect Quietly
Okay, there might be times when things are so rough that even your colleagues’ smiling faces aren’t enough to cheer up your spirits. In this case, you need to appreciate quiet times for deep reflection. It could be before or after work. Find a silent spot, sit down, and reflect on your situation. Keep in mind that you’d probably need to do this for several days or weeks (for me, it was months). It’s vital that you’re honest with yourself and be as objective as possible. But whatever you do, avoid blaming!
If you’re still having trouble with finding your lost passion for work, you may need to take a break for a while. Don’t be afraid to talk to your boss and tell him the situation. Good managers will understand and would even help you get pass this hurdle. It’s definitely difficult getting back those feelings of satisfaction and excitement towards what you do – but if this is really want you want, it’s worth the fight.
Cristina Antonio is the EIC of and a writer of all things related to world news, movies, real estate, health, or social media. She’s currently focused on helping healthcare workers find better career opportunities through Locum Tenens. Cris also enjoys painting, collecting toys, reading German novels, and lurking the Web.
Erin shows overscheduled, overwhelmed women how to do less so that they can achieve more. Traditional productivity books—written by men—barely touch the tangle of cultural pressures that women feel when facing down a to-do list. How to Get Sh*t Done will teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life where you want to excel, and then it will show you how to off-load, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.
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