Author Archives: Ann Steele

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About Ann Steele

Ann Steele is a freelance writer whose work and research has appeared in several high profile magazines and on websites such as, and more. As a graduate of the UNLV, she now offers regular workshops about the psychology of self and on occasion is asked to write creative editorial. She welcomes feedback on all articles.

Recent Articles

self improvement

The Top 5 Psychologies of Why We Must Selfie

In the last year or so, we have seen a great increase in the selfie – that is, the practice of taking photos of one’s self and posting them on social media websites. Continue reading

5 Steps for Retooling in the New Job Market

I’m not sure if we should call it the “new” job market or the reduced, redefined, elusive job market. Too many people who have worked for years with relevant skills and valuable experience now can’t find employment where once their talents were in demand. Continue reading