Author Archives: annabelle

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5 Ways Cooking Can Help Reduce Stress

Our schedules are ever so busy. With the world becoming faster paced today more than yesterday, people need more tips and tricks to save time. There is a lot you might have on your schedule for today – a 9-to-5 job, exercise, a side job, social activities, taking your kids to and from school, and much more. Oftentimes, you might give in to the ‘fast breakfast’ commercial that you see on your way to work. It is understandable. Occasionally, you can enjoy a good take-out dinner but that should not be a norm. Continue reading

5 Surprising Things Stress Can Do to Your Body

You just got off a terrible meeting, your boss gave you an impossible deadline for the next project, your team is pushing you to make extra hours, and you still need to pick up the kids at school. Your body … Continue reading

7 Daily Habits to Practice at Work

Aristotle once said that we are products of what we repeatedly do. He continued to say that excellence is not an act but a habit. Many people hate routines because routines are often monotonous and feel like you are living … Continue reading