Monthly Archives: May 2023

4 Life-Changing Truths About the Universe

Nothing in this universe can inspire us more than the universe itself. Everything is filled with wonders and phenomena that can leave anyone amazed. Continue reading

A Therapist’s Reflection In the Face of a Patient’s Death

There was such a disparity between the man I knew from what he shared and the scene I saw before me. Continue reading

digital detox

Digital Detox: What is it, and why do you need it?

Our attitudes towards the digital world are very contradictory. Many researches show that most of us consider the Internet the best source of information and knowledge. Moreover, online presence increases the chances of finding a job and facilitates most everyday … Continue reading

The Power of Connection: Why Building Relationships Is the Key to Personal and Professional Success

Relationships with others is a superpower if done thoughtfully and with an open heart. Continue reading