money tips

10 Money Myths That Stop You From Making Big Money: Myth 1

PickTheBrain is proud to present a 10 Part series, written by Deborah S. Nelson of Author Your Dreams.

Money Myth 1:  “I Can’t Afford It!”

Can’t afford It.” How many times do we repeat this in a day? It has been astutely stated, “possession is nine-tenths of the law.”
It is also the basic tenant of advertising that by repeating something over and over again, it becomes truth.

Let’s face it: 50 years ago, no one needed deodorant. Mankind survived for thousands and thousands of years without it. Suddenly in the past 50 years, deodorant is an absolute necessity in polite culture.
So how did that happen? Repetition creates reality; and using mass communications, repetition created the “deodorant reality” for millions of people.

Repetition is how advertising works: “I can’t afford it,” “I can’t af- ford it.” Repeat it often enough, and it becomes true for you. While you may think it was true before you recited it a dozen or so times, try not saying it and even try not thinking it for a week, as I contend this is one of those “what came first…the-chicken–or-the-egg” quandaries. Stop and replace that thought and statement with another more abundant thought and statement for just one month, and witness a change. You will realize that “I can’t afford it,” becomes true as long as you make the statement, believe it, and practice it.

This is because it is impossible to separate our words from our thinking and our thinking from our words. Your subconscious seeks to obey the word pictures you feed it, because it wants to be at peace with your consciousness. So until you break the spell, the “I can’t afford it,” statement will hypnotize you into the practice of a continuous financial state of “not enough money.”

You are ultimately the boss of the thoughts activated by your subconscious. If you think and then say, “I can’t afford it,” your subconscious will get the message, and will scan for and focus on circumstances, situations, and events to prove and solidify that myth as reality. Our subconscious always seeks to find congruency with our consciousness—the real boss.

Solution: You are the boss of your thoughts. Rearrange, reorganize, re-scramble, and rethink your thought patterns to reflect an acceptance of wealth, which is our true original condition. If you would like to dig deeper into this subject, you may get the free preview copy of a book entitled, A Thoughtanomics Manifesto—How to Move From Money Madness to True Abundance, by signing up for the Dreams to Reality Report. If you feel that “wisdom” would advise you not to spend resources on a particular thing at a particular moment, then line up your thoughts, words, deeds, and subconscious to be in agreement to support you in the practice of wealth. You may say something like, “I choose to invest money in something more important right now,” or “I want to invest my resources, rather than to con- sume them right now. Try saying that and feeling that right now! You will most likely feel stronger, more empowered, and less whiney than when you say “I Can’t afford It!” This takes practice, but start right now to build a personal belief system to welcome abundance into your life.

Deborah S Nelson is a guest blogger for PickTheBrain and the founder ofAuthor Your Dreams Publishing

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