Tag Archives: self

Radical Self-Improvement: Stop Trying to Improve Yourself

I finally realised I’d been going about it all wrong. I’d been trying to improve myself, when I was already enough. All the fulfillment we could ever need is already inside us. Continue reading

How and Why to Pick a Spiritual Practice

In this age of technology and materialism, when many wonder what tomorrow will bring, the resurgence of spirituality is a normal phenomenon. For centuries, people have turned to religions or other belief systems for support and understanding. Yet it never resulted in a better world on a global level. Continue reading

5 Great Places To Do Soul Searching

Sometimes it helps to put some effort into soul searching or personal planning to really flush out our life goals as well as overall purpose. But the never ending distractions of the office as well as at home (noise from kids, TV, music, etc.) can be quite restricting to the quiet time needed for such inner reflection. Continue reading

Self Improvement

Is There Really Such a Thing as ‘Self Improvement’?

Can the self be improved? What is the self, anyway? Does the currently popular “self-help movement” really help us or is it a paradoxical diversion from our true self? I hope that you will help me in addressing these questions … Continue reading