Tag Archives: peace

Being Ambitious is Making you Less Fun to be Around

Being Overambitious is Making You Less Fun to Be Around

In the pursuit of ambition, you can end up sacrificing more than you may care to admit. You can end up losing your inherent sense of curiosity and gratitude for life. As you wear yourself down, a perpetual angst can … Continue reading

How To Come Together To Heal Our World

It seems every week we hear about a terrorist attack somewhere in our world (including home grown terrorists), or see news clips on active shooters in public places. How do these acts of violence make you feel? Continue reading

How a Simple Formula for Resolving Problems and Conflict can Change Your Reality

Have a nagging problem you cannot solve in your personal or professional life? Imagine a simple mnemonic system to aid in your process to resolving problems and conflicts. Continue reading

Overextended? 6 Signs You Need a Break

“To overextend yourself is to invite defeat.” – G. William Domhoff

We all know the feeling, we have too much to do and too little time, and soon we begin to feel like a piñata at our six year olds birthday party, battered and flung in every direction. Continue reading

Finding Peace, Self-Love, Freedom and Purpose: The New Celebration of Life

Have you ever wondered or questioned yourself what is the altruistic meaning of life? The notion of underlining what is really the essence of your own purpose in the role of play on this planet? Continue reading

Four Steps To Resolving Conflict

How can you avoid these types of interactions? There are four simple and effective ways to successfully deal with a situation before it can turn into a major conflict. Continue reading