Tag Archives: passion

When You Love Your Job, Success Will Follow

The truth is, one of the keys to success is to actually love what you do. This doesn’t mean that you have to love every aspect of your job all the time, of course. Continue reading

Bringing Passion to Work: Why It’s Important for Career Fulfillment

More often than not, people are more stressed out about work than they’re passionate about it. As that saying goes: “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”. But is it … Continue reading

How to Follow Your Passion and Succeed

Both in the physical and digital world, people would describe me as a nomad. Some would even say I’m a troublemaker, but not in a mean-spirited way. The reality is that for me, it’s all about the view. By that, … Continue reading

Our Intuitive Selves: Why We Are All Psychic and How We Can Awaken, Access and Utilize Our Greatest Gifts

What if you could easily and effectively tap into your intuitive gifts, talents and abilities, have a direct connection to The Universal Source of information and energy, and use it to serve yourself and others in the highest and best … Continue reading

7 Practical Tools for Picking Yourself up During Your Darkest Days

These days most people experience some feelings of depression, anxiety, grief or general lack of motivation. This is a normal part of life, however, if we don’t take productive action, these states can linger and interfere with our functioning at … Continue reading

Why Failing to Land My Dream Job is the BEST Thing That Could Have Happened

Have you ever failed at something you really wanted to achieve? More importantly, have you ever stopped up to think, REALLY think, about how that incident changed you, from the person you were, to the person you became? The honest … Continue reading