Tag Archives: finances

How To Overcome a Fear of Dealing with Money

Money is a very emotional topic and it can be scary to think about not having enough money or losing what you already have. Continue reading

5 Easy Ways To Increase Income As A Freelancer and Avoid Bankruptcy

When you’re a freelancer, it’s easy to fall into a trap of complacence. After all, nobody is looking over your shoulder while you work. This, however, is one of the perks of freelancing that can quickly turn into a bane. But … Continue reading

3 simple ways to take control of your finances woman experiencing finances freedom

3 Simple Ways To Take Control Of Your Finances

Understanding and dealing with your finances can produce stress and anxiety. This can be compounded by the debt situation in America (Credit card debt for the average American is nearly $10,000 according to the Federal Reserve here), the lack of personal … Continue reading

Interview Insanity? How to Regain Your Self-Confidence When Advancing Your Career

Okay everyone, say it with me…the definition of insanity is…”doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results”. We all know this to be true but somehow it’s hard to break out of the insanity when you’re looking for a job. Continue reading

5 Ideas For Bouncing Back From Economic Disaster

If you’re one of the people who is still affected by unemployment, home foreclosure, debt, loss of retirement savings, or any of the other ripples of an unstable economy, let me ask you something:

Did you know you are probably grieving? Continue reading

Are Limiting Beliefs Blocking Your Financial Flow?

Money doesn’t grow on trees.

Money is the root of all evil.

I need lots of money to make money.

You can’t be rich and spiritual.

There is a limit to how much you can earn.

Money management is too complicated.

If you’ve uttered the above statements chances are you harbor limiting money beliefs in your subconscious. This happened a long time ago when you were at an impressionable developmental stage. Continue reading