Tag Archives: empowerment

5 Steps Towards Finding Empowerment in Your Daily Routine

In many ways your daily rituals define who you are and where you are headed. For most people, some routines are rewarding while others prove to be cumbersome and extremely tedious. Continue reading

self improvement

4 Steps to Reclaim Your Life

It is ridiculously easy to forfeit control of your life. Whether you give your power away to friends, family, a job, depression, or any other life circumstance, it’s a very common human situation. Continue reading

Are you Choosing your Circumstances? Or are you a Victim of them?

Have you noticed how different something feels when it’s your choice, versus when it seems forced upon you?

It’s a popular phenomenon in psychology, actually. When we think we chose an option of our own free will we like it much better than if it was given to us without our input. Continue reading

Complacency – How to Avoid the Silent Killer

We climb from the trenches to reach the top, and once we get there, we’re content with our achievements—but warning! Complacency will lead to extinction. Success is a wild and crazy rollercoaster, full of ups, downs, and unexpected turns. While … Continue reading

Learn to Live Fully: 3 Ways How

Once we regain touch with our authentic self—sometimes called our inner voice—we can begin to dream about how things might be different and take the first steps toward doing what is fulfilling. We are not afraid to dream as children; as adults, however, we grow timid. We let our need for success supplant the need to follow our bliss, calling, passion, or dream. Continue reading

How To Use 3 Primary Functions to Empower Effectiveness

This may all sound obvious or simple, but it is not. As you try to balance your life, it is important to remain aware that it is the looping between any two functions that causes most distress.This looping will put up massive resistance to adding awareness and use of a third function. This may be part of the etymology of the expression, “he’s loopy.” Continue reading