5 Super Simple Ways to Build Momentum

What is momentum?

I’m going to use the same example that Darren Hardy illustrates in his book The Compound Effect (which you can read my review of here).

Darren writes about a spinning platter. The person pushing the platter has to work hard for the first couple of pushes, but afterwards it’s a lot easier due to the momentum gained.

Momentum is something that isn’t discussed much in the world of personal development, or what I’ve seen of it. I think it’s just as significant as the other ideas.

How do we get the platter spinning then?

#1 – Have a game plan

Planning doesn’t directly build momentum, but it’s important!

You want to build momentum for a specific purpose; that purpose needs a plan. If you don’t have a plan, then A) You’ll fail – or B) you’ll take a hell of a long time to complete it.

Having a game plan works wonders.

  • Action point: Identify and write down 3 habits that can be done on a daily basis in order to help you achieve your goals

#2 – Stay Consistent

Consistency is a critical component to success.

Whether you like it or not, you have to be consistent. Without consistency you’d be nowhere, and unless you won the lottery – you’d have no money.

If you’re starting up a new business, don’t work on it for 3 days in week 1, and then leave it for 4 weeks – be consistent, and be mindful of your decisions.

  • Action Point: Detect inconsistent areas of your life that you’re worried about, write them down.

#3 – Set recurring goals

As much as they sound like habits, they aren’t. Recurring goals change, yet stay the same; weird right? Let me explain.

A habit is something you do regularly without change, for example – waking up at 6am. You do it, it gets easier, and it becomes part of your life – whatever.

On the other hand, a recurring goal is something you set habitually, i.e. every week, which changes each time.

One of my recurring goals at the moment is to record 3 lectures a week for a course I’m creating. Each week I’ll write down the goal to record lectures 7-9, or 10-12. The material I’m recording is always different, unlike a habit.

Another example could be writing two articles a week. Obviously you’re not going to write the same article every week – it’s a recurring goal.

A habit may last you a lifetime, but a recurring goal shouldn’t; goals are meant to be achieved!

  • Action Point: If you haven’t got any already, write down at least 2 recurring goals that you can start working on today.

#4 – Layer habits

Habits and recurring goals are the foundation to building momentum, and layering habits is an effective way of getting where you want faster.

Now I’m not talking about creating new habits, I’m talking about adding on to your current ones. I’ve discussed this in my free 15-page guide to becoming more productive:

If one of your habits is to wake up 30 minutes earlier, then a layered habit could be to read for 15-minutes each morning, or go for a walk.

Layered habits are supposed to be simple and easy, requiring little effort. They are opportunities that come with your primary habits.

  • Action Point: Write down 2 ways you can add-on to your existing habits.

#5 – Reward Yourself

Sooooo cliché, I know. But hey, it works.

The more we reward ourselves, the more enjoyable our ride on the rollercoaster is. Constantly celebrate small successes, if you don’t have small successes – then make them.

Don’t go overboard, but make your reward enjoyable. I like to watch the odd movie or TV episode. If it’s something that you’ve been addicted to in the past (like unhealthy food), then use an alternative.

I highly doubt you’ll be in a position where you’re not having little successes along the way. If you are, then please contact me because I’d love to hear why.

  • Action Point:  Set a reward for completing several tasks (I use HabitRPG for this).

How strong is your momentum? Do you have any tips you’d like to share that you use to build momentum?


Sam Matla blogs about achieving success through productivity and personal development at passiveproductive.com




Erin shows overscheduled, overwhelmed women how to do less so that they can achieve more. Traditional productivity books—written by men—barely touch the tangle of cultural pressures that women feel when facing down a to-do list. How to Get Sh*t Done will teach you how to zero in on the three areas of your life where you want to excel, and then it will show you how to off-load, outsource, or just stop giving a damn about the rest.

9 Responses to 5 Super Simple Ways to Build Momentum

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