3 Reasons Your Past Subconscious Programming Is Still Influencing You Today

You may or may not be aware of it, but your current beliefs around love, money, health, relationships, fear, self worth, success, happiness and virtually all other things are most likely the same beliefs you had when you were 10 years old. It sounds unbelievable but it is true.

How is this possible? Essentially, most of your subconscious programming happened between the ages of 0-7, and unless you have worked on changing those beliefs, they still run in your mind today. Most people are unaware that they have subconscious beliefs that are at their core. In reality your subconscious mind is 95{54c12dad2cc2b53ae830e39915b1a3e70288dbcbbeb8bbf8395437c5dc3c512c} of who you are.

The subconscious mind is a massive memory storage with a virtually unlimited capacity and space. It’s function is to store and recall memory forever so you don’t have to keep relearning the same things every day. It’s where the blueprint of all your habits, beliefs, memories, learning and physiological processes are held, so you can easily navigate your world and stay consistent with your programmed identity. The memory and function of the subconscious is quite powerful.

So why is it that our programming from childhood is so long-lasting? Between the ages of 0-7 we are essentially in a trance-like state and absorbing everything around us like sponges. Children are subconsciously picking up and storing everything that the adults around them are doing, feeling and saying in order to figure out how to navigate their own world. Our sense of identity and who we are to become in the future is very much contingent upon our early subconscious programming.

The three primary ways we downloaded our subconscious blueprint is through words, modeling and specific major experiences. Most of our learning and beliefs were formed through these primary filters.

  1. Words – Verbal programming happened when you heard adults speaking to each other or to you when you were growing up.  If something was repeated enough times it got stored in your subconscious memory. What did you hear  when you were young?
  1. Modeling – Modeling happened when you saw how your parents and other adults around you behaved. Their actions and reactions to different situations and people influenced your understanding of how to engage with the world.  What did you see when you were young?
  1. Specific Major Experiences – The specific experiences you had while growing up impacted your learning process. Everything that happened in your childhood and early adulthood taught you how to survive, live and thrive. What did you experience when you were young?

Now don’t get too stressed about how you were raised or the programming you received as a child. If it was not perfect (nobody’s was) that is okay! The events of your childhood have a big influence on your adulthood but they do not need to permanently define you. It is possible to change your subconscious programming.

Perhaps you want to change your programming around health, money or relationships and install more empowering beliefs. It is not only possible to change them, it is also possible to do it pretty quickly.

Here are 2 ways to make powerful changes to your subconscious programming:

  • HypnosisHypnosis  is simply a deep state of relaxation where it is possible to give suggestions to your subconscious mind to make changes. Going into hypnotic states allows you to make changes to your core beliefs and habits. Countless people have used hypnosis to quit smoking, get over trauma, focus, increase test-taking skills, eat healthier, and make more money, among other things. Hypnosis is probably one of the fastest ways to make changes to the subconscious mind.
  • Meditation – Mindfulness and meditation are really great tools to increase your self- awareness and thinking habits. Slowing down, even for just 5 minutes per day, has tremendous benefits for your mind and body. Just by sitting still and focusing on your breath you are able to increase self-awareness and change your internal state.

Unless you are actively working on updating your subconscious programming, your old programs run on autopilot forever, regardless if they are serving you or not. So be mindful of your thinking and let go of the beliefs that don’t serve you anymore.

Change your mind to change your life!

Stephanie C.N. is a self-improvement writer with a background in hypnotherapy and NLP. She blogs about wellness and self improvement here and runs an online membership program called Align With Wellness. You can read more about her and contact her.


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